Integrate your application with using Zapier

You can connect any one of hundreds of applications to by making use of Zapier and’s Add-Task Connectors.

In Zapier, the Add-Task Zap allows you to pass information into and create tasks automatically. You can set almost any property on a task including due dates, labels and followers. This is a great way to further automate your business.

There are two main components to be aware of:

1. The Add Task Connector

Inside, you can create any number of connectors. Each connector creates a URL to which data can be posted. You can then configure these connectors to automatically set properties on the tasks they create and route the tasks to specific assignees, clients and projects.

You can think of each connector as an entry point for tasks into

2. The Zapier Add-Task Zap

Inside Zapier, there is a Zap for creating tasks, which is designed specifically to connect to a connector. You would typically set up a Zapier trigger from another application or event which then invokes this Zap to create a task.

Note that each connector has its own URL and authentication key and shows up in Zapier as a “ account”, so if you create multiple connectors for different reasons, you may then see them in Zapier as separate “accounts”. 

That’s why we recommend you name them carefully when you create them, so that you can easily find the right one.

The Zap can be found at this link: The default Zap provides a full user interface for routing data into a connector, thus providing integration opportunities with many hundreds of applications.

How to connect Zapier to via the Add-Task Zap

In this example, we will be using the ‘Schedule by Zapier’ trigger to create a new task in every day. This is a great simple example of how to use’s Add-Task Zap.

Set up your connector in

The first step involves creating your new connector in

Log into your account as an Admin User, and navigate to the ‘API Connectors’ option by clicking on your Workspace title or logo (in the top left-hand side of the Workspace).

Click on the [Add connector] button and name your task; we will use “Daily task from Zapier” in this example. Then click ‘Add connector’. Now, you will see the new connector tile.

A screenshot of's interface, showing a new 'Connector' to enable's Zapier integration.

Click on this new connector tile to open its settings page.

In this example, we will stick with the default settings. The only properties we want to set via the Zap are the task title and description.

A screenshot of’s API connector settings to enable an add-task Zapier integration.

Now, navigate to the Code tab. There are two important properties here. The first is the API endpoint; let’s change this to end in ‘dailyzap’ and make note of the API key. You will need both of these values in Zapier.

A screenshot of's API connector settings to enable an add-task Zapier integration.

Creating your Add-Task Zap

Once you’ve created a Zapier account and logged in, click on the Create Zap button from your Zaps page.

I’m going to name my Zap “Daily task in”.

The first step is to choose a ‘Trigger’ and in this case, we look for ‘Schedule by Zapier’ and choose it. And then we choose the Trigger event as ‘Every Day’.

A screenshot of the Zapier application interface.

Press ‘Continue’, and then follow the other settings as required. We’re going to set the trigger to run at 9 a.m. every day.

Finally, you can test the trigger to get some sample data.

A screenshot of the Zapier application interface.

Press ‘Continue’ once more, then we’re ready to choose our Action. This is where we search for “” and choose it from the list.

A screenshot of the Zapier application interface.

Now, we select the Action Event ‘Create Task’ and then ‘Continue’.

A screenshot of the Zapier application interface.

If this is the first time you’ve used the Zap, then you will be required to sign in to your connector.

Note that you may have multiple connectors each with different credentials, so you may end up with what looks like multiple ‘accounts’ in Zapier. This is quite normal.

A screenshot of the Zapier application interface.

Click on ‘Sign in’, and a new modal window will open asking for the API URL and API Key. This is where you enter the values we noted from the connector tile, as above.

A screenshot of the Zapier application interface.

Click ‘Yes, continue’, and if all details are correct, then your connection will be created.

A screenshot of the Zapier application interface.

Now, click ‘Continue’.

We then can set up the individual values to be posted to the connector; that is:

  • Requester Name – input your name here.
  • Requester Email – input the email address of your account.
  • Task Title – Input some text, you can even choose from the Zapier dynamic values.
  • Task Description – build a description from the Zapier properties.
  • All other properties – leave blank in this example.
A screenshot of the Zapier application interface.

Click ‘Continue’ yet again.

You will now see a full sample of your data aligned with the fields.

A screenshot of the Zapier application interface.

Click ‘Test & Continue’.

If your Zapier integration was successful, you will see a success message on your screen, as well as a the task ID of your new task.

You also should be able to see this new task inside

A screenshot of the Zapier application interface.

Finally, select ‘Turn on Zap,’ and you’re done!

A screenshot of the Zapier application interface.
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