todo.vu vs Asana
This is a question we get asked quite often. Asana is arguably one of the most well-known task management systems around today.
Asana has some nice features and is well suited for specific types of projects and use cases. However, todo.vu and Asana are not the same and not necessarily intended for the same use cases.
Asana is a pure ‘task management’ system, it has no CRM features—not even the notion of a client. Asana has no integrated time tracking and it does not really differentiate between team and client users; it provides a very generic structure of projects and users. This can be useful if your business is not customer-facing or if your project is unrelated to any client objectives. You might find Asana handy for projects like ‘renovating your house’ or ‘managing your wedding plans’ or ‘football carnival planning’.
But if your business is client-facing and if your revenue comes from your ability to deliver services or goods to your clients, then Asana can become somewhat frustrating due to its entire lack of features relating to managing staff and customers.
Comparison of features
- Task ManagementTask Management
- ProjectsProjects
- Clients/ContactsClients/Contacts
- Time TrackingTime Tracking
- BillingBilling
- Cross-project visibilityCross-project visibility
- CalendarCalendar
- Repeating tasksRepeating tasks
- Free client usersFree client users
- Price capPrice cap
- Task Management
- Projects
- Clients/Contacts
- Time Tracking
- Billing
- Cross-project visibility
- Calendar
- Repeating tasks
- Free client users "Guests"
- Price cap
- Task Management
- Projects
- Clients/Contacts
- Time Tracking
- Billing
- Cross-project visibility
- Calendar
- Repeating tasks
- Free client users "Contacts"
- Price capcapped at $99/month
Start with a 14-day free trial
Client focus
The primary difference between Asana and todo.vu relates to clients. Asana is a generic task management system, while todo.vu is designed very specifically for consulting businesses that provide services for clients.
todo.vu focuses on organising your tasks by client and helping you manage client priorities. Client contacts are clearly differentiated from staff users and are free of charge.
Time integration changes everything
Integrated time tracking makes a huge difference. Asana claims that you can track time via optional third-party integrations such as Harvest, but it is important to recognise the significant difference between using an add-on or an integrated solution for time tracking.
The option to track time directly on tasks provides faster, simpler usage and leads to increased accuracy and advanced reporting possibilities. There is no need for duplicate entry of project data and no possibility that time can be accidentally recorded against the wrong client or projects.
“Fully integrated time tracking is not just a convenience, it is a paradigm shift in terms of reporting and business intelligence.”
Billing reports can track time entries back to the very source requests. Labelling of tasks can be used to filter reports to produce time reports not possible with third party plugins.