
We recognise that not all of your clients are likely to want to log into Kitovu. Of course we wish they would, but experience shows us otherwise. However, it is important that your clients can interact with your tasks the way they want to. So that is why we have implemented the option of Email Only access for contacts.

I briefly mentioned this in an earlier post but Id like to explain a little more.

When you first add a client contact, they will initially have simple ’email only’ access to Kitovu *. That is – they can send tasks in by email and receive notifications of updates, and reply to comments by email without ever needing to log in.

You can let your contact know your workspace email address and, provided they email from the address you have on record, their emails will be turned into tasks.

When you create a task, you can add your contacts as followers of the task and they will be notified of any updates and comments and are even able to reply to these comments by email.

So it is now possible for your client’s contacts to interact with Kitovu entirely via email only.

Of course, at any time you can invite them to login and decide if they can see all of the tasks for that client, or just specific projects, or even just specific tasks.

Default settings help direct your tasks
Making sure tasks are well organised is important, particularly if they start coming in via email. It is now possible to set a default assignee for the entire workspace and specific default assignees for each client. So if you have a team and specific staff are responsible for certain clients then you can make sure the tasks go to the right person every time.

Now, when a contact emails a task in, it will be automatically placed under the correct client, and assigned to the correct assignee.

A good way to start is to import all your clients from Freshbooks or a CSV file. This will save you time and allow you to start interacting with your contacts quickly.

*Note Email-In for tasks only works on Premium Workspaces

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