Occasionally when managing your tasks you might want to keep a task to yourself or share it with only specific people. So we included a private task function in Kitovu to cater for just these situations.

When we were discussing the private task idea with the team at Kitovu we found that sometimes people like to add tasks just for themselves that nobody else can see. For example this could be an idea that isn’t ready to be presented to the team, or god-forbid a mistake you have to clean up.

We also found that managers might want to discuss certain tasks that aren’t ready to be shared with the rest of the team with a specific set of people. Or you might not want to distract other team members with tasks they are not involved in.

The private task function in Kitovu provides for all these situations and more. You can make a task visible to yourself only, or a select group of people in your team.

Using the private task function is very simple, in keeping with our philosophy of keeping task management as simple as is humanly possible.

When you want to make a task private simply click the padlock icon when adding the task. This will keep the task private to the task creator and assignee only. If you are assigning the task to yourself you will be the only person who can see the task or will know of its existence.


If you want to allow other people to be able to see the task and collaborate with you on it, just select them as followers in the followers drop down list. Anybody who is following a private task will be able to see it and collaborate on it.

Users can also choose to make a task private at any time after they created it. A task can be public for a period of time before you need to make it private. You can change the task private later if you like. The same rules about who can see and collaborate on the task the we explained above will apply in this case.

Users should be aware that if a task is made public again in the future all previous history on the task will also be public again so you need to ensure when you make a task public again that you are comfortable letting all other users see its contents.

Personally I find this feature useful for adding my own private tasks about new ideas that I don’t want to scare the team with, just at the moment! Or discussing commercial matters with other management at Kitovu.

So whether you’re making like a One-Man Wolf Pack or a small group of people in your team have a top-secret task to work on – Kitovu can keep a secret!

As always if you think of a way for us to improve the features in the Kitovu task management system drop us a line – we love to hear from Kitovu users!

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