
What are you working on today, this week, this month or this year? What are your team-mates working on?

Complete this sentence; “Right now I’m working on”;

  1. Exactly what I previously planned to work on?
  2. The first thing I thought of or reacted to?
  3. I don’t even know where to start?

When are your tasks and projects due? What was that change your client asked you to do? Which team-mate did you ask to follow up on that? Have they completed the work? Did they let the client know?

Are we ever really on top of everything that needs to be done and the process around doing those things? In my experience the answer is no. So how can we become more organised?

The answer are tools and process.

What tools are you using to get you and your team organised? Are you still using email? How is email working for you? Do you ever find yourself hunting for an email that was sent or received by a client or team-mate and you just can’t find it? Do you ever find yourself sending ‘another’ email following up with a team-member asking them about a previous email you sent them and whether they have followed through on what you asked of them?

Have you thought about your process? Do the the tools you are using to handle work dictate your process? Would you like to improve your process? Does process even exist with email – or is email just random communication?

These are the kinds of questions we ask when building Kitovu. Perhaps these are questions you should ask yourself as well if your really trying to become organised.

Being organised is not easy, especially when the tools people use don’t facilitate being organised. The team at Kitovu is working hard to develop tools and processes that help people and teams get more organised. This is what we live and breathe.

The next time you ask yourself “Am I really organised?” you might want to consider some of these questions and tools you use.

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