We are very proud to announce that todo.vu has been reviewed and given awards for both Great User Experience and Rising Star by FinancesOnline. The FinancesOnline todo.vu review is a comprehensive expert review of all aspects of the todo.vu system, features and use cases and demonstrates the great things we have achieved at this early stage of our journey.

The team of experts from FinancesOnline works hard to examine hundreds of project management solutions and we are very happy to be included in their best Project Management Software category.

Reviewers noted that “todo.vu is an integrated task management, CRM, time tracking, and billing software that caters to freelancing professionals and small teams. It provides users with a single, unified suite designed to fuel productivity by bringing all the projects, clients, schedules, contact details, and more together, eliminating the need to use and link separate systems to get the job done.”

“With todo.vu, users are able to manage and monitor their work in one place. A quick glance at the dashboard provides users with everything they need to know what needs to be done, rank priorities, and effectively allocate resources and time as well as designate individuals to their tasks.”

They concluded that “The software improves efficiency and quality of work and encourages accountability, resulting in faster delivery of projects that meet clients’ standards and instructions.”

Noting that todo.vu is a new player in a relatively crowded space where different solutions work for different businesses, the reviewers have awarded todo.vu with “2018 Great User Experience” and “2018 Rising Star” awards.

This great review is not only a reflection on how hard our team works and how much value they place on our user’s experience and feedback but also a measure of the incredible feedback that we get from our users. Without that feedback, we would be unable to set a course for continual improvement.

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