New Feature: Email only access

We recognise that not all of your clients are likely to want to log into Kitovu. Of course we wish they would, but experience shows us otherwise. However, it is important that your clients can interact with your tasks the way they want to. So that is why we have...

Change Log 5

Add option to rename Clients/Projects to other wording Improve wording of listing header when searching Improve searching for part words, particularly in URLs Improving modals & popups

Change Log 4

Refactor Email-In & Task defaults so they work globally Fix bug in Followers dropdown not opening in rare cases Add option to move contact to/from in-house First release of Contacts CRM functionality

Change Log 3

Improve left column wording and better use of workflow state names in menus Better promotion of email-in address on new tasks Improve UI for sharing on Projects/Clients