24 Sep 2014 | Task Management
So what is this task management thing all about you ask? Why would I bother with a task management system when I can just use email you ask? Well an effective task management system like Kitovu can offer many benefits that email just can’t. Email was never...
24 Sep 2014 | Product Features
Communication is a key element of effective task management and central within Kitovu. We love the notifications system within Kitovu, and hope you do to. The notifications system lets users know when their team-mates have added a comment, completed, closed or snoozed...
24 Sep 2014 | Product Features
We understand organisational data, including tasks are important and valuable. During the last several months a few of our customers have asked us how secure their data is. Kitovu does have very secure and robust systems in place for securing our customers data. But...
15 Sep 2014 | Product Features, Task Management
One thing that becomes apparent when working on tasks for different clients or projects is that you often need to reference or link different tasks together. Sometimes there might be information on one task that is relevant to others or a newer version of the task...