
Help pages, tutorials and tips about how to get the most out of workspaces

The workspace is the core interface on which users can manage tasks and projects; communicate with clients, contacts, and other users; track billable and non billable time; and much more.

If you created a user account, a workspace will have been automatically created for you, and you are the owner of this workspace.

If you were invited to join by someone else, such as a manager, you will have access to their workspace, but none of your own (that is, that you are an owner of) unless you create them.

It is easy to create your own workspaces, and one user account can own and have access to unlimited workspaces.

Quick glossary

Time entry – A time entry is a detailed record of time that has been logged in, either tracked in real time with’s timer, or recorded manually. Time entries can be displayed on the calendar, on individual tasks, and in your reporting dashboards.

Go to the Full Glossary.

About workspaces

The workspace is the core interface on which users can manage tasks and projects; communicate with clients, contacts, and other users; track billable and non billable time; and much more.

Every workspace houses its own unique set of tasks, clients, projects and users, as created and managed by the workspace’s owner and admin users. Every feature in, like creating tasks, creating billing reports, and tracking time, operates within a specific workspace.

What’s the difference between a account and workspace? workspaces and accounts function interdependently.

The workspace is the actual interface used to manage tasks, track time, collaborate with a team, and so on. Workspaces operate as separate environments where unique data is managed and stored, and to which user access is controlled.

The account simply holds a user’s details, some system settings and credentials to access workspaces.

If it helps, you can think of your account as the key that unlocks your access to certain workspaces.

Learn more about user accounts here.

How data is organised within a workspace

  • All time is tracked, recorded (as time entries), and linked to specific Tasks*.
  • All tasks – and their time entries – belong to specific Projects.
  • All projects – and their tasks and time entries – belong to specific Clients.
  • All clients – and their project, task & time entries data – belong to a single Workspace.

* will not slow you down. You can record time freely and then link your time to a specific task afterwards.

A visual diagram representing's hierarchy of data, where time is first tracked as time entries then connected to tasks, which are connected to projects, which are connected to clients, which belong to one workspace.

How many workspaces do you need?

Typically, you should only need one workspace for each ‘Business’ that you operate; you shouldn’t need to have more than one workspace per business unless your operation has distinctly separate departments and teams.

We use the term ‘Business’ loosely; many users will have one workspace for their personal tasks and one for work.

Create a workspace

If you want to create a new workspace, whether it was you who initially signed up to or not, you can do so in your own account.

Be aware that when you create a new workspace from within a account, that new workspace will be associated with the same email address connected to that account.

If you want a separate account and workspace connected to a different email address, you will have to sign up for using that email address.

To create a new workspace:

  • Go to your workspace settings either, by:

    (1) clicking on your profile avatar in the bottom left-hand side of your current workspace, selecting ‘Your profile and account options’ and then ‘Workspaces’ from the menu on the left-hand side, OR
    (2) simply navigating to the following link when already logged in to

  • Then, select ‘Create new workspace’ at the top right-hand side of the screen.
A screenshot in demonstrating where a User can create a new Workspace to manage and track their tasks, projects, time and billing.
A screenshot in demonstrating where a User can create a new Workspace to manage and track their tasks, projects, time and billing.
A screenshot in demonstrating where a User can create a new Workspace to manage and track their tasks, projects, time and billing.

Note: You can seamlessly toggle between workspaces by clicking on your workspace’s name and navigating to the bottom of the drop-down list.

Under ‘Change workspace’ you will see each workspace that’s connected with the email address you are logged in with. See below for more details.

Workspace settings

You can access your workspace settings and information by clicking on your avatar in the bottom left-hand corner of your workspace, next to the help button, which is indicated by a question mark (?)

Select ‘Your profile and account actions’, then ‘Workspaces’

A screenshot in demonstrating where a User can create a new Workspace to manage and track their tasks, projects, time and billing.
A screenshot in demonstrating where a User can create a new Workspace to manage and track their tasks, projects, time and billing.

From within your workspace settings, you can see workspace details, any pending workspace invitations, and:

  • create a new workspace
  • set your default workspace (i.e., the workspace you open upon logging in to your account)
  • set up your notification email address
  • set up email integration.

For more information on these settings, see our Help Article: Setting up your workspace.

Stwitching between your account’s workspaces

Your account allows for seamless navigation between your available workspaces. This is especially helpful if you are using with more than one company or business, ensuring that the flow of your work is not disrupted by a clunky sign-in and sign-out process.

As you know, one user account (with email and password) can be connected to many workspaces. You can easily toggle between these workspaces with the drop-down menu that appears when you click on your workspace’s name from the fixed header bar.

A screenshot of time tracking and billing software, indicating where a User can easily switch between Workspaces without a clunky sign-in and sign-out process.’s subscription plans’s subscription plans apply to workspaces, not the overall account, and are charged to the workspace owner.

Specifically, workspace owners will pay for the number of users they grant access to their workspaces — for every workspace they want multiple users to access. So, if an owner has multiple workspaces, they will pay (if required) for each one separately, depending on the number of users they want on each workspace.

Of course, a solo user with no other users on a workspace can use the Solo Free plan on that workspace for free. In fact, you can create and own as many solo workspaces as you want for free.

However, certain elements and functions of the Solo Free plan are restricted, so many solo users opt to pay for a premium subscription with just one user ‘Seat’ at $9 per month instead.

That said, all plans include access to the core functions of:

  • tasks
  • clients
  • projects
  • time tracking
  • billing.

The particulars of each subscription plan are as follows. Please see pricing for more information.

Solo Free Plan – $0 Per One User ‘Seat’

A Solo Free plan is perfect for freelancers or solopreneurs who use to manage their own time and do not need to grant other users access to their workspace.


A Solo Free plan still allows you to invite clients as contacts to your workspace, which means they can create tasks and comment on tasks within your workspace.


However, you cannot invite other staff users to work with you in your workspace, nor can you personalise your workspace or Billing Reports, on a Solo Free plan.

Business Time Plan – $9/User ‘Seat’/Month

A Business Time plan allows you to invite multiple users into your workspace, and grants full access to every feature, including personalised workspaces and Billing Reports.


The Business Time plan also allows for additional storage per user, up to unlimited storage.

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