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Your account

Whether you signed up for yourself, or you accepted an invite to join from someone else, you have created a user account.

Your account is where you store your credentials and details, and set some system-wide settings. Importantly, your account is how you access your workspaces.

In this help article, we’ll cover:

  1. About user accounts
  2. Creating an account
  3. Accepting an invite to
  4. Your account settings
  5. Subscription information
  6. Updating your subscription
  7. Merging user accounts

About user accounts

You create a user account when you sign up for at with an email address and password.

If you did not sign up but received an invitation to join, a user account is created for you as soon as you accept the invite. (Unless you already have an existing account, but more on this below.)

Usually, managers or business owners will sign up for, and then invite their team members to join them.

Your account is linked to the email address you used to sign up for the account, or the email address used to invite you.

Your account grants you access to workspaces, where you track and manage your time and tasks.

A quick note about accounts and workspaces accounts and workspaces operate interdependently.

The workspace is the actual interface used to manage tasks, track time, collaborate with a team, and so on.

The account simply holds a user’s details, some system settings and credentials to access workspaces.

Every account will have access to at least one workspace.

If it helps, you can think of your account as the key that unlocks access to workspaces.

When you sign up for a account, your first workspace is created automatically as part of the sign-up process, and you are the owner of that workspace by default. If you are invited to join by someone else, you will have access to the workspace they own and invited you to — as a separate user. You will have no workspaces of your own, and are not a workspace owner.

With your one user account, you can create (and therefore own) and join any number of workspaces. Typically, users will belong to just one business-related workspace. However, you can have a separate workspace for your personal tasks. Larger businesses will have separate workspaces for separate teams or business units.

Learn more about workspaces here.

Create a user account

Creating a account is simple. All you have to do is go to, and sign up with your existing Google account or email address. Your first workspace will be automatically created as you sign up, of which you are the workspace owner.

Upon signing up, your browser will automatically open to the task dashboard of your new workspace in your new account.

When you create a new account, you will enjoy a premium subscription for 14 days for free. Note that subscriptions — The premium ‘Business Time’ and no-cost ‘Solo Free’ plans — are dependent on the workspaces you own, rather than your individual account. (See more on this below.)

After the 14-day trial period is up, you can either choose to keep your workspace on the premium plan for $9 per user per month, or downgrade to a free workspace for $0.

You can create an unlimited number of workspaces and keep an unlimited number of free workspaces on your one account. Learn how to create workspaces here.

Accepting an invitation to

When you accept an invitation to join, a user account will automatically be created for you, unless you already have an existing account.

If you do not have an existing account:

You will be asked to create one as you accept the invite.

Enter your name, create a password, and then you will be taken to the workspace owned by the user who invited you to join You will now have a account associated with the email address used to invite you.

While you do not yet have your own workspace as you have been invited to join someone else’s, you can easily create one for yourself. Learn how to create a workspace here.


A screenshot of an invited User’s email invitation to join a Workspace to manage and track their time, tasks, projects and billing.

If you have an existing account:

Once you select ‘Accept invitation’ from within the email, you will be automatically taken to the new workspace which you have been intived to.

If the email address used to invite you is already linked to an existing account, this new workspace will simply be added to your account.

You can switch between your workspaces at any time by opening the drop-down menu after clicking on your workspace name, as detailed in the image below.


A screenshot of time tracking and billing software, indicating where a User can easily switch between Workspaces without a clunky sign-in and sign-out process.

Account settings

Every user account holds that user’s name, avatar, contact information, credits, login credentials and some system-wide preferences.

You can access your user account settings and information by clicking on your avatar in the bottom left-hand corner of your workspace, next to the help button:, which is indicated by a question mark (?)

Select ‘Your profile and account actions’ to access all of your settings, including your workspace settings.

You can access your account settings from all pages within

A screenshot of time tracking and billing software, indicating where a User must navigate to access their User Account settings.

Within your account settings, you can update your user name and password, change your photo, and merge or delete your account. You can add and update email addresses for notification and access purposes. And, you can access your workspace settings.

Stwitching between your account’s workspaces

Your account allows for seamless navigation between your available workspaces. This is especially helpful if you are using with more than one company or business, ensuring that the flow of your work is not disrupted by a clunky sign-in and sign-out process.

As you know, each of your workspaces are connected through your one user account. You can easily toggle between your workspaces through the drop-down menu that appears when you click on your workspace’s name from the fixed header bar.

A screenshot of time tracking and billing software, indicating where a User can easily switch between Workspaces without a clunky sign-in and sign-out process.’s subscription plans’s subscription plans apply to workspaces, not the overall account, and are charged to the workspace owner.

Specifically, workspace owners will pay for the number of users they grant access to their workspaces — for every workspace they want multiple users to access. So, if an owner has multiple workspaces, they will pay (if required) for each one separately, depending on the number of users they want on each workspace.

Of course, a solo user with no other users on a workspace can use the Solo Free plan on that workspace for free. In fact, you can create and own as many solo workspaces as you want for free.

However, certain elements and functions of the Solo Free plan are restricted, so many solo users opt to pay for a premium subscription with just one user ‘Seat’ at $9 per month instead.

That said, all plans include access to the core functions of:

  • tasks
  • clients
  • projects
  • time tracking
  • billing.

The particulars of each subcription plan are as follows. Please see our pricing for more information.

Solo Free Plan – $0 Per One User ‘Seat’

A Solo Free plan is perfect for freelancers or solopreneurs who use to manage their own time and do not need to grant other users access to their workspace. A Solo Free plan still allows you to invite clients as contacts to your Workspace, which means they can create tasks and comment on tasks within your workspace.


However, you cannot invite other staff users to work with you in your workspace, nor can you personalise your workspace or Billing Reports, on a Solo Free plan.

Business Time Plan – $9/User ‘Seat’/Month

A Business Time plan allows you to invite multiple users into your workspace, and grants full access to every feature, including personalised workspaces and Billing Reports.


The Business Time plan also allows for additional storage per user.


Modify your subscription

You can modify your subscription, update your billing details and view your payment history at any time in by heading to this link when already logged in to your default workspace.

Alternatively, you can update your subscription details on any workspace by opening that workspace, selecting the workspace name or logo at the top right-hand corner of your account to open the drop-down menu, and then selecting ‘Your subscription’ from there.

To add users to or remove users from a workspace, simply select the plus (+) button under ‘Seats’.

Merge user accounts

If you accidentally create more than one user account, you can merge them into one. Follow the instructions below to merge a separate account into the current account from which you are actioning the merge.

1) Click on your avatar in the bottom left-hand corner of your workspace. Go to ‘Your profile and account actions’. On that page, you will see a button that says, ‘Merge Accounts’.

2) Once you select ‘Merge Accounts’, you will be asked to provide the email address of the other account with which you would like to merge. will send an email to this account to confirm once you have provided the email address.

3) Once approved, the email addresses for both accounts will be merged, and all of the workspaces from both accounts will be merged into the current account.

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