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Managing User roles & account access

Employees of any team or organisation have varying roles. That’s why has different User roles in the system to help managers and teams – and even their contacts – collaborate and work effectively in

While anybody who has logged into a Workspace has created a User account, and so is a User, what they can see and do in a Workspace is dictated by their User role and corresponding access level.

Learn about the different User roles and their access levels in, and how you can invite new Users, set User roles and access levels, restrict Users, remove Users and more.

About User accounts

Anybody who has ever logged into a Workspace has created a User account, and so is a User. Every User account holds that User’s name, avatar, contact information, credits, login credentials and some system-wide preferences.

You can access your User account information by clicking on your avatar in the bottom left-hand corner of your Workspace, next to the help button: (?).  Select ‘Your profile and account actions’ to access all of your settings, including your personal and Workspace settings.

You can access your User account information, including your settings, from all pages within

A screenshot of time tracking and billing software, indicating where a User must navigate to access their User Account settings.

One account, multiple Workspaces

If you are using with more than one company or business, can allow for seamless navigation between Workspaces. This ensures that the flow of your work is not disrupted by a clunky sign-in and sign-out process.

Each of your Workspaces will be connected through your one account. You can easily toggle between your Workspaces through the drop-down menu that appears when you click on your Workspace’s name from the fixed header bar.

A screenshot of time tracking and billing software, indicating where a User can easily switch between Workspaces without a clunky sign-in and sign-out process.

User account roles

Within each Workspace, every User has a specific role. This role dictates the User’s access level, which determines what they can see and do within the workspace.

These roles are:


The Owner is a role granted automatically to the Workspace’s creator. There can only ever be one Workspace Owner in a Workspace. A Workspace Owner can transfer their Owner role to an Administrator User at any time.

Staff (full or restricted access)

Staff Users can have full access to all clients and tasks, but can never have access to time billing or account information.

Staff Users can be further restricted to specific clients or projects as per the needs of your business and workflow.

Read more about staff User access levels below.


Administrators have full access to all of the Workspace features. Admins are the only role (besides the Workspace Owner) with access to billing and account settings and rights to edit these settings. There is no limit on the number of Admins you can have in any one Workspace.


A Contact role will generally be a contact of your Client, or your Client themselves! Contacts can not be assigned tasks, but they can create them. Contacts have a limited view of the Workspace; they cannot see any time tracking or billing information, for example, and they are not counted as a user in your subscription.

Read more about Contacts below.

A screenshot of time tracking and billing software, indicating where a User can see fellow Users’ access levels at a glance.

Invite new staff Users into your Workspace

Only Workspace Owners and Admins can invite new staff Users to a Workspace.

Invite new staff Users from the fixed header bar

Click the (…) icon (or avatar, for solo users*) in the fixed header bar of your Workspace to open your Team Dashboard. Here, you will see all of your Workspace Users. If you are an Admin User, you will have the option to invite a new staff User here.

Click the button on the top right-hand corner of the dashboard that says, ‘Add staff’.

*If you collaborate with your team in, you will see an ellipses icon (…) in front of your team members’ avatars in the fixed header bar of your workspace. If you are a solo User, you will see a sole avatar icon in the header that says, ‘Go to Team page’ when selected.

A screenshot of time tracking and billing software, indicating how a User can navigate to their ‘Teams page’ and select ‘Add staff’ to begin the process of inviting a new User into and to collaborate in their Workspace.

Once you select ‘Add staff’, a pop-up window will ask you to enter the new staff User’s full name and email address. Once you have entered these details, simply click ‘Invite to login’, and your new staff member will receive an invite in their email inbox.

Or, before you send the invite, you can select ‘More details and access’ to edit the User’s access levels and details before you invite them.

A screenshot of time tracking and billing software, demonstrating what a User must select to set up a new User’s details before they invite that User to log in to
A screenshot of time tracking and billing software, demonstrating the details that an Admin user can configure for a new User before inviting them into the Workspace.


Admins can edit staff Users’ details through the Team Dashboard at any time.

Invite new staff Users from within a Task

You can always add Users on the go, whether you are creating a new Task or modifying an existing Task in

You can invite new staff from within a Task by adding them as the Assignee of that Task. An Assignee is the person who is in charge of the Task (there can only ever be one Assignee on each Task).

While you have a Task open, select ‘Assignee’ at the top of the Task. This will open a new window prompting you to ‘Select assignee’, while displaying a list of your existing staff Users.

Within the search bar at the top of this pop-up window, simply type the name of a person you wish to make the Assignee and thus invite into your Workspace as a staff User.

In the same way, you can invite a staff User from within a Task by adding them as a Follower to that Task. As a Follower, they are not in charge of the Task, but they are invited to track time and comment on the Task. While you have a Task open, select ‘Followers’ at the top of the Task. This will open a new window prompting you to ‘Select followers’.

To invite a new staff User as a Follower, simply type in their name in this search bar, and select ‘Invite a new staff’. (Ignore ‘Invite a new contact’ for now, more on this below!)


A screenshot of time tracking and billing software, indicating how a User can invite a new User on-the-fly by simply adding them as an Assignee on a Task.
A screenshot of time tracking and billing software, indicating how a User can invite a new User on-the-fly from within a Task simply by adding them as a Follower to that Task.

How many staff Users can I invite?

This depends on your subscription!

When you select ‘Invite a new user’, you will receive a pop-up message showing you how many users – or ‘seats’ – are available on your subscription plan – if you have any, that is! If you are on a Solo Free plan, you will need to upgrade your subscription to a Business Time plan before you can invite a second User.

If you are already on a Business Time plan with unlimited Users (11+ seats), you will not see this because you are able to add unlimited users to your account.

A screenshot of time tracking and billing software, indicating a possible pop-up message a user might receive when they invite a new User into their Workspace. If you have a Business Time plan with unlimited users, you will not see this message, as you are able to add as many users as you like.

Receiving an invite

Once you have sent an invite to the new User, the User will receive an email asking them to join your Workspace.

If the new User does not have an existing account:

They will be asked to create one before accessing your Workspace.


A screenshot of an invited User’s email invitation to join a Workspace to manage and track their time, tasks, projects and billing.

If the new User has an existing account:

Once they select ‘Accept invitation’ from within the email, they will be automatically taken to your Workspace. They will be able to toggle between workspaces as previously mentioned under ‘One account, multiple Workspaces’.

They will also see any pending Workspace invites within their own Workspace settings page, which is accessed either by following this link, or by clicking on their avatar on the bottom-left of their Workspace, selecting ‘Your profile and account options’ and then ‘Workspaces’ from the left-hand side.


You, the inviter, will receive an email notification as soon as the new user, the invitee, accepts the email invitation to join your Workspace. You can always check on the status of your invite, or resend the invitation, by navigating to your invited User’s details from the Team Dashboard.

A screenshot of time tracking and billing software, indicating where a User can check the status of an invitation they sent a new User to join the Workspace, and resend the invitation if need be.


Only Workspace Owner and Admin Users can add new Users. Staff Users and Contacts will not see this option.

Staff User access levels

Admin and Workspace Owners can configure staff User access from within’s Team Dashboard.

As you can see in the screenshot below, some of the team members on this workspace have ‘Restricted access’, while others have ‘Full access’. You will also notice that others are labelled as ‘Admin’ or ‘Workspace Owner’.

A screenshot of time tracking and billing software, indicating where a User can see other staff User access levels in

Restricted and full access represents and determines two different levels of staff User access. Here’s what they mean, and how you can grant any team member Admin, full access or restricted access level rights.

Staff User access levels explained

Restricted access

With restricted access, a staff User can only access specific Clients and Projects in your Workspace. Note that you can give a staff User access to all Projects for a specific Client, or only a select few.

Be aware that selecting ‘Restricted access’ will automatically exclude that User from everything until you have manually selected which Clients and Projects you want them to have access to.

Full access

With full access, a staff User can access all Clients and Projects in your Workspace.

You can also allow your full access staff Users to modify (edit and add) Clients, Projects and task Labels (learn how to do this in the screenshots below). If you don’t allow this, your full access staff Users will simply work with what is already existing in your Workspace.


Administrators have full access to all of the Workspace’s features.

Admins are the only role with access to billing and account settings and rights to edit these settings.

Set up staff User access levels

If you are an Admin or Workspace Owner, you can give any staff User full, restricted or Administrator access.

Simply select the staff User from your Team Dashboard in You can view, but not edit, a staff User’s access from the ‘Access’ tab on a User’s profile page.

So, select the three-dot menu at the top left-hand side of that staff user’s profile and select ‘Edit user details’ to edit a User’s access.

A screenshot of time tracking and billing software, indicating where an Admin User or Workspace Owner can edit a fellow staff User’s access.

In the pop-up window that appears, under ‘Access’, you can select ‘Administrator’, ‘Full access’ or ‘Restricted access’, granting that staff User with the access level you choose.

If you select ‘Restricted access’, then you will have to configure additional access details; for example, selecting the Clients and Projects that the restricted staff User will have access to.

Press ‘Done’ to save your configuration.

A screenshot of time tracking and billing software, showing an Admin User or Workspace Owner editing a staff User’s access to allow them to modify clients, projects and labels, therefore giving them the access role of ‘Full access’ in
A screenshot of time tracking and billing software, showing an Admin User or Workspace Owner editing a staff User’s access to allow them access to specific clients and projects only, therefore giving them the access role of ‘Restricted access’ in


As mentioned above, Contact Users in will typically be contacts of Clients, or your clients themselves.

Contact Users do not count towards your subscription seat count. Contacts have either no or limited access to your Workspace.

Contact User access explained

Contacts can have either 1) limited-login access, or 2) email-only access.

Contacts with 2) Email-only access can be added to tasks as ‘Followers’ and receive email updates about their followed tasks. They can also email tasks directly into your Workspace. However, they cannot log in to your Workspace.

Contacts with 1) Limited-login access can log in to your Workspace to view and comment on either:

  • Followed Tasks only: The most restricted setting, this option will give your Contact access to view and comment only on tasks to which they’ve been added as a Follower.
  • All tasks in selected Projects only: This option will give your Contact access to view and comment on tasks for selected Projects.
  • All tasks for the Client only: This option will give your Contact access to view all tasks in a Workspace for all of their linked Clients.
A screenshot of time tracking and billing software, showing an Admin User or Workspace Owner editing a Contact User’s access to determine which Tasks a Contact can see for a chosen client.
Note on Contact Email-Only access

To ensure Contacts have email-only access, within the pop-up window that opens as you select ‘Add a new contact’, ensure you do not select the ‘Invite to login’ option.

You can reconfigure a Contact’s access levels at any time by selecting the Contact from within your Contact Dashboard, selecting the three-dot menu at the top right of their profile, and selecting ‘Edit user details’.

Invite Contacts

Invite Contacts from Contact & Client Dashboards

You can invite Contacts into your Workspace either through an individual Client on the Client Dashboard, or as a Contact from within the Contact Dashboard in

Navigate to your Client Dashboard on the left-hand sidebar of your Workspace. Navigate to your Contact Dashboard from here by selecting ‘Contacts’ at the top left-hand side of the page, next to Clients.

Simply click the ‘Add contact’ button on the top right-hand side of the page to add a Contact from the Contact Dashboard.

To add a Contact from within the Client Dashboard, simply select a specific Client from that page, select the ‘Contacts’ tab and then ‘Add contact’.

A screenshot of time tracking and billing software, demonstrating how a User can add a Contact directly from within the Contact Dashboard in (Select ‘Clients’ on the left-hand side of the dashboard, and then select ‘Contacts’ to the right of the ‘Clients’ headline on the screen to navigate to the Contact Dashboard.)
 A screenshot of time tracking and billing software, demonstrating how a User can add a Contact from within a Client Page through the Client Dashboard in (Select ‘Clients’ on the left-hand side of the dashboard to navigate to the Client Dashboard, and then select an individual Client to navigate to that Client Page.)

Invite Contacts from within a task

You can also add Contacts on the go while in or creating a new Task.

Simply click ‘Followers’ while within a Task. Select and add an existing Contact or create a new one by typing their name into the search bar at the top of the pop-up window.

Notice that Admins and Workspace Owners add both Contacts and staff Users as Followers from within a Task.

A screenshot of time tracking and billing software, indicating how certain Users can invite a new User or Contact on-the-fly from within a Task simply by adding them as a Follower to that Task.

Invite email-only Contact to log in

To change a Contact’s access from email-only, select the Contact whose access you would like to change from within the Contact Dashboard in

Navigate from ‘Recent work’ to ‘Access’, as per the screenshot below. Then, select ‘Invite to log in’. Or, select the same from the three-dot menu on the right-hand side under ‘Edit user details’.

A screenshot of time tracking and billing software, indicating how a User can change an ‘email-only’ Contact’s access by inviting them to log in to You can also update a Contact’s access details more specifically; that is, choosing what they have access to in, by using the three-dot menu on the right-hand side of their Contact page and selecting ‘Invite to log in’. You can edit these details at any time.

Changing Contacts to staff Users or vice versa

At some stage, you may encounter a situation where a team member who works for one of your Clients needs to change from staff User to a Contact or vice versa. This is easily done.

Change staff User to Contact

Click on the Teams icon on the fixed header bar from any page in your Workspace, or follow this link to go straight to your Team Dashboard. Once you are on your Team Dashboard, select the staff User you want to change to a Contact

Select the three-dot icon on the top right-hand side of the staff User’s page, and select ‘Make contact of a client’.

A screenshot of time tracking and billing software, indicating where a User must navigate to change a staff User to a Contact.

Change Contact to staff User

Click on the Client icon on the left sidebar from any page in your Workspace, then navigate to Contacts. Or, follow this link to go straight to your Contact Dashboard. Once you are on your Contact Dashboard, select the Contact you want to change to a staff user.

Select the three-dot icon on the top right-hand side of the Contact’s profile, and select ‘Make a team member’.

You can also navigate to your Contacts’ profiles via the Client/s to which they are linked. Select the Contacts tab when on your Client Dashboard.

A screenshot of time tracking and billing software, indicating where a User must navigate to change a Contact to a staff User.

Remove users

Removing users from your Workspace is easy, can be done at any time, and won’t affect your Workspace in any way; for example, any tasks the deactivated User created or was attached to will remain as they are.

In fact, all task records and reports will still – and will always – reference the old User account. Tasks assigned to this User will remain assigned as they were, until you reassign them. This ensures the accuracy of your historical records.

Remove a staff User

To remove a staff User, simply select and open their profile from your Workspace Team Dashboard, select the three-dot menu on the top right-hand side and hit ‘Deactivate’ from the drop-down menu.

This will automatically remove the User; however, they will always be accessible on your Team Dashboard under ‘Past team members’. If you are an Admin or a Workspace Owner, you can always reactivate staff Users from here.

Remove a Contact

To remove a Contact, navigate to the Contacts tab within your Workspace’s Client Dashboard, or navigate straight to your Contact Dashboard.

Select and open the Contact’s profile, select the three-dot menu on the top right-hand side and hit ‘Deactivate’ from the drop-down menu.

A screenshot of time tracking and billing software, indicating where a User must navigate to remove Users, including Contact Users, from their Workspace.


If you accidentally create more than one User account, then you can merge them into one. This will merge another account into the current account from which you are actioning the merge.

Merge User accounts

Click on your avatar in the bottom left-hand corner of your Workspace. Go to ‘Your profile and account actions’. On that page, you will see a button that says, ‘Merge Accounts’.

Once you select ‘Merge Accounts’, you will be asked to provide the email address of the other account with which you would like to merge. will send an email to this account to confirm once you have provided the email address.

Once approved, the email addresses for both accounts will be merged, and all of the workspaces from both accounts will be merged into the current account.

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